Scalable To Meet Growing Demand: North America’s Premier Mine-To-Battery Anode Material Developer And Supplier

With an unwavering focus on developing North America's fastest to market vertically integrated natural graphite anode material to meet surging market demands.

G6 Energy wholly owned Kearney Natural Graphite Mine
G6 Energy spheroidized graphite is used for battery material production.
G6 Energy plans to provide high quality coated Sperhonized purified graphite to server the electric vehicle battery demand growth

Kearney Graphite Mine, strategically located less than 300 km from Toronto

G6 Energy Executive Team reviews Kearney mine during site visit in August 2023
G6 wholly owned Kearney mine in northern Ontario benefits from extensive historical capital investments
G6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from Toronto
Graphite from Kearney mine has positive attributes for the creation of spheronized purified graphite and coated speheronized graphite for lithium ion batteries
Kearney mine in northern ontario is wholly owned by G6 Energy Corp

World class deposit located in northern Ontaro

Embracing its role as a pivotal player in the sustainable energy revolution, courtesy of its rich graphite resources.

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Strategic Location

Ideally situated to serve growing demand for North American sourced battery materials as an alternative outside of China.

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Fully Permitted

Past producing mine with extensive infrastructure and capital investment completed to accelerate restart plan.

G6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from toronto

Existing infrastructure investment reduces Cost and time to restart

Historical investment of >$100 million made to develop and operate the Kearney mine

How long will it take to restart Kearney?
Chevron Up

Production is expected within 8-12 months from project restart.

What is the Expansion Potential?
Chevron Down

Sheehan and McGuire resources are in similar geological environments, the 1.5 km area between the two zones host favourable conditions for additional resources of upwards of 100ktpa.

How much is planned to be invested in the mine?
Chevron Down

Requires one of the lowest CAPEX compared to alternative development stage projects, which reduces financing constraints. 2018 DFS: NPV8% of C$261M and post-tax IRR of 44% with low CAPEX of C$46M.

G6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from torontoG6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from toronto
G6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from torontoG6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from toronto
G6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from torontoG6 Energy Corp wholly owned Kearney mine based in northern Ontario less than 300km from toronto